Cookie cutters are one of the simplest ways to make cookies exciting. With the right shapes and some icing magic, you can create almost anything in cookie form. Though the standards like heart shapes and happy faces are easy to find and use, thanks to the internet, there are tons of new fun cookie cutters to make things weird and wild things.
Not just the internet has contributed to the growing market for super specific and crazy ideas for cookie cutters. Now you can make your own cookie cutter ideas come to life thanks to 3d printers, CNC machines, and other DIY tools that have become affordable and accessible in recent years.
There is no limit to what you can do with some imagination and a budget.
Of course, if you don’t have those machines, you can still find many fun cookie cutters available on Amazon, Etsy, and many home brewed Shopify ecommerce sites.
P.S. If you prefer to let someone else do the work, you could turn to a cookie of the month club instead. Most of these focus on shipping out different flavors of cookies each month, giving you plenty of variety. And seriously, some of the cookies from these clubs are incredibly tasty.
If you want themed cookies, try buying sugar cookies online. Many companies produce specialty cookies for all the main holidays and types of celebration, like birthdays and graduations. Some will even allow you to order custom cookies.
Fun Cookie Cutters (With Pictures!)
This Complex Baby Grogu
Cookie cutters like this aren’t for the faint hearted. You need to layer so many individual pieces on top of each other to create Grogu from Star Wars. Using just one of the cookie cutters simply wouldn’t work.
Is the final cookie worth the effort? It could be if you enjoy the process. Besides, a cookie like this would be a fantastic Christmas present for a star wars fan.
Don’t worry. Most cookie cutters aren’t nearly this complicated. We just had to start with Grogu as he looks so cute dressed as Santa.
Hugs And Kisses
Here’s a simple and sweet way to show someone you care. Plus, because this is an impression-based cookie cutter, your icing skills don’t matter at all. You could even skip the icing entirely, and the Xs and Os would still be completely visible.
I can imagine including little cookies like this as an ‘I love you’ note as part of a Christmas present. I’m sure you can think of plenty of other uses too.
For Those With A Marine Background
Here’s another straightforward one, perfect for anyone with an interest in the Navy or the ocean. It’s a well designed cookie cutter too, with clear lines and a nice shape.
Once again, icing doesn’t matter at all with this cookie cutter. You can do whatever you like and the finished cookies will still be recognizable.
Cute Cartoon
I don’t actually know what cartoon these cutters are based on. That doesn’t really matter though, as they’re cute and easy to love either way.
The finished cookies might be perfect for kids. They’d be pretty fun to decorate too.
Who Doesn’t Love Corgis?
There’s no shortage of cookie cutters for dog lovers, including this cute corgi version. The impressions in the cutter make this a straightforward one to use and the cookies should always turn out well.
There are probably similar cutters out there for every breed of dog.
Much Better Than Regular Gingerbread Men
Gingerbread men are classics. They’re also seriously overdone, which makes this a very cool riff on the idea. Rather than figures that stand straight, these three cutters give you ninja fighters.
The cookies would be fantastic for men and boys – although plenty of girls would be enamored by them too.
Lots Of Shapes To Choose From
This set of cookie cutters provides plenty of variety. There are 12 different animals, plus a picture guide for how each should be decorated.
Of course, the designs can always be tweaked. You might even make different animals or something else entirely from some of these shapes. A fox, perhaps? Or maybe a lion instead of a tiger?
Any Unicorn Lovers Out There?
Rather than focusing on an entire unicorn, this cookie cutter just gives you the unicorn face. I love how there’s plenty of detail around the ears, horn, and flower crown, while the face just has two sets of eyelashes.
On a side note, you can also find cookie decorating kits, including those that follow a unicorn theme. These kits often provide pre-baked cookies, along with icing, sprinkles, and more.
Fantastic, But Tricky
These cutters seem to have been designed for a specific company. They’re amazing as a way for celebrating African American culture, but they’re also some of the trickiest cutters on the list.
Not only do the cutters just provide the outer edge of each design, but the designs themselves are very specific. You’d need skill (or a lot of practice) to get the letters and details exactly where they’re meant to be.
An Interesting Collection Of Styles
These are more old-school cutters than some of the others on this list. There’s also some interesting styles in the mix, including two versions of the Batman logo, some lips, and what looks like hearts.
The different sizes are pretty fun too, particularly for the teardrop shapes. You could use these to make a collection of various sized cookies, or to stack smaller teardrop cookies on top of larger ones.
For When You Want To Be Edgy
This cookie shape is a great way to tell people to get lost, although that’s not the only use. Many people would find these hilarious as a gift or at a party. Just make sure you know your audience first, as some people might be offended.
The cookie cutter itself just gives you the shape of someone pulling their middle finger. While the shape is distinctive, the cookie would be better with icing work that drives the point home. You could actually have a lot of fun with the icing.
Follow Your Dreams
There are two parts to this dreamcatcher cutter. The first focuses on the outline, while the second adds all the interior detail.
Having these as two separate cookie cutters is an excellent idea, giving you the chance to skip the detail part of the cookie cutter and make it look beautiful with icing instead. Having the impression portion separate also gives you more control over how deep you make the lines on the cookie/
Some Christmas Shapes

These cookie cutters highlight some familiar Christmas imagery, but the style is a little unusual. I particularly love the angel. The design makes the shape instantly recognizable, even without any icing.
The shooting star is pretty cool too and a nice addition to the mix. In fact, the whole selection of shapes works exceptionally well.
Social Media Icons
Making cookies in the form of social media icons is a strange idea. Yet, these cookies exist, so someone must be interested in them.
They might be fun as a dig at someone who spends too much time on social media. Or, perhaps for someone who works in marketing.
For All The Cowboys
The appeal of this cookie is more immediately apparent. It would be popular for anyone who likes cowboys or thinks of themselves as one.
It’s also a fantastic design in its own right, as there are some extra lines for detail, but these are kept minimalistic. The style means you don’t need to worry about decorative icing for the cookie.
What A Cute Mushroom
I love how stylistic these cookies are – particularly the mushroom. It’s always nice to see cookies that take advantage of curves rather than focusing on straight lines.
While the cutters used to make these aren’t pictured, we can guess that they only provide the outline of the shape. The rest of the detail comes from the icing.
Santa’s Tree Farm
Here’s another time where the cookie cutter provides just the basic outline. The detail on the icing here is incredible, right down to snow on the truck and the Christmas tree.
Of course, you wouldn’t need to get that complex. Even a much simpler version would still look amazing.
Fantastic Unicorns

These unicorns show you don’t need much detail to make a cookie look amazing.
It looks like the creator just cut up pieces of rainbow candy to make the mane and tail for the unicorn. Doing so is much easier than meticulous decoration with icing and looks just as good.
Wine And Cheese
If someone loves wine and cheese, why not carry on the theme with some cookies? It looks like there are five different cookie cutters in the box, including a bottle of wine, some grapes, perhaps a glass of wine, and some cheese. Then there are some extra wine bottles and glasses below.
You might even just stick with the wine bottles and glasses part of this set. These are pretty fun on their own without worrying about all the extra elements.
All The Mustaches
These mustache cookie cutters might even be large enough for people to use the cookies as fake mustaches, which could create some fun photos.
The cutters would also be great for anyone who is mustache obsessed. Alternatively, you might just use them as something a little bit different. Why not? After all, regular cookies get a bit boring after a while.
What About A Sewing Machine?
Here’s an unexpected one. Someone has actually gone to the trouble of making a cookie cutter in the shape of a sewing machine.
While cookies in this shape wouldn’t be relevant to most people, some would absolutely love them.
Perfect For Dinosaur Loving Kids

Dinosaurs are a crowd favorite among kids, so dinosaur-themed cookies are sure to be a hit. Each of the cutters has two parts, giving you plenty of flexibility.
The neon green color is an odd choice. Obviously, this doesn’t have any impact on the cookies themselves. But the novelty might be enough to get your kids to have fun making the cookies with you.
It’s The Poop Emoji
Speaking of kids, here’s another cookie they’d adore. This one features the poop emoji.
I’ve seen a few versions of this. Some just give you the outline and you can do what you like with it. Others provide separate cutters for the eyes and mouth. That style gives you the best-looking poop cookie, but also takes the most work.
This particular version is the easiest, as the cookie already looks just like the emoji, even without any icing.
Time To Go Traveling
Is someone going to travel soon? If so, this stack of suitcases would make a great treat. It follows the same two-cutter style that we’ve seen before. That’s not surprising though, as the company who posted the image seems to focus on such cookie cutters.
This Batman logo is both easy and perfect. It’s also instantly recognizable, especially if your kids are fans of the dark knight.
Just A Simple Leaf
This cookie cutter keeps things nice and simple, just featuring a leaf with veins branching out. A few of these leaves could even be used to make an arrangement with cookie flowers.
Some Interesting Animals

I love how this cookie cutter collection uses different animals than normal. There’s even a snail in the mix, which I’ve never seen before.
This is a fun idea, as cookies often just recycle the same animals over and over again. Mixing them up like this is a welcome relief.
Summer Shapes
Here’s a fantastic set for when warm weather comes around again. There’s even swimwear in the mix, plus sunnies and a palm tree.
Most of these items could be decorated in countless ways, which makes them even more fun.
Cookies For The Volkswagen Lover
This set of cutters is perfect for anyone who loves Volkswagens. Of course, you could also skip the branded one and then just have two van-based cookies.
Actually, if decorated well, the van cookies could end up looking much like a school bus. That would be fantastic if you plan to make cookies for kids.
Some Fun Ghosts For Halloween

While there are countless Halloween cookies and cookie cutters out there, these ones are better than most. There’s something about the cartoon style and the features that work exceptionally well, giving you a simple cookie that’s still impressive.
Perhaps For A Crafter?
If someone loves crafting, why not make cookie scissors? These would actually pair well with the sewing machine cookie cutter that we highlighted earlier.
This Unicorn Is Too Cool
Here’s another unicorn, this time in a very cartoony style.
The iced version is fantastic, complete with rainbow colors in its mane and tail. That said, even the un-iced version looks pretty cool.
What Could You Do With This Cookie Cutter?
This cookie cutter isn’t very exciting on its own. The cool thing is what you can do next.
I mean, you’re making puzzle pieces that should hopefully fit together. You might even be able to make a mini puzzle out of cookies. How cool is that?
A Cute Ghost
I love this little ghost. It’s cute, funny, and not frightening at all. It’s another one that includes the interior stamp and exterior cutter, which makes it even more impressive.
On a side note, the company that produces these uses 3D printing to make cookie cutters. This allows them to make almost any shape without much effort. You can find many more of their cutters on Etsy.
Snack Attack? Shark Attack, More Likely
These cookies look like they come from a seafood shop of some kind. They’re also pretty fun – if you have a slightly dark sense of humor.
Could It Get Any Cuter?
Here’s a simple cookie cutter that shows everyone how much you love dogs. Making a heart out of a dog’s paw print is a pretty clever idea too.
There are also many riffs on this theme, like a heart with a paw print, a dog paw with a heart in the middle, and a large heart with a collection of paw prints. So, there are plenty of ways to show your love for canines.
Okay, This One Is Pretty Cute Too
Here’s a cute one for cat lovers. The cartoon style works incredibly well, especially as the shape of a cat is so easy to recognize.
Here’s A Lovely Cherry Blossom
To round off the list, here’s this beautiful cherry blossom flower. It’s hardly the only flower cookie cutter out there, but it is one of the prettiest.
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