Wheatgrass is known as a powerful “superfood.” It has more than earned this title with its long list of amazing health benefits. Unfortunately, wheatgrass and similar sprouts don’t get enough attention and many are simply unaware of the potent nutrition and healing they can bring to the human body.
Thankfully, there are people out there who want to change this and are working hard to provide quality wheatgrass to the masses as well as comprehensive information.
First of all, wheatgrass is a great source of many vitamins and other nutrients including iron, calcium, magnesium, enzymes, vitamins A, C, E, K, and B, chlorophyll, phytonutrients, and 17 different amino acids.
This combination offers many health benefits, including the ability to eliminate toxins in the body, support healthy and effective digestion, boost your metabolism, lower cholesterol, support the immune system, provide energy, and so much more.
The most common way to take wheatgrass is either by juicing it and drinking it, or taking it as a powdered supplement. Either way, it’s important to note that the body does require a bit of an adjustment period if wheatgrass is new to your diet.
If you’ve decided to take it regularly, you may experience some mild side effects in the first two weeks or so. This includes nausea, headache, upset stomach, or a fever. Rest assured, though, that these won’t last. Your body simply needs an adjustment period. It’s best to start with a low dose and increase it slowly as your body gets used to it. A typical, regular-sized dose is one to four ounces of liquid or three to five grams of a powdered supplement.
You could try other powerful superfoods at the same time, like seaweed or turmeric root. There’s an adjustment period here too, so be sure to start slow.
Where to Buy Fresh Wheatgrass Online
- Sproutman
- Andi’s Way
- Got Sprouts
1. Sproutman

Sproutman was founded in 1977 by Steve Meyerowitz, also known as “the sproutman.” Sprouts revolutionized his life and this made him want to share the beauty of sprouts with everyone he could, empowering them to change their lives and live a cleaner, healthier lifestyle.
He gained his nickname when a 1979 Vegetarian Times Magazine article delved into his 100% sprout diet, how he did it, why, etc. He has also authored more than ten books about sprouting, juicing, wheatgrass, healthy living, and organic eating in general. His books have been purchased all over the world and translated into 11 languages thus far. He’s also created many different in-home sprouting devices to make the lifestyle accessible for everyone.
Today, the company is run by the founder’s sons, affectionately known as the “sprout brothers.” They emulate their dad’s love of sprouts and overall healthy eating and work hard every day to continue spreading the message.
Not only do they focus on selling the best quality products possible, but they work to educate customers as well. Not everyone is familiar with sprouts, so the brothers have a great blog with many helpful articles and explanations, such as why it’s healthy to eat sprouts whole and raw, including the roots!
While they’ve expanded quite a bit over the years, wheatgrass is one of their original products. They offer you many ways to use and enjoy wheatgrass in your daily life. This includes selling fresh sprouts themselves as well as sprouting seeds for you to grow on your own. They make this very easy and provide simple, easy-to-follow instructions. You can also get wheatgrass juice capsules for easy, fast, on-the-go consumption. Barring any local restrictions on importing fresh products, they ship internationally.
2. Andi’s Way

Andi’s Way was founded by a woman whose mother-in-law was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer. The diagnoses lead to the whole family going on a journey to learn and better their health through proper nutrition and superfoods. They took courses together and learned so much about nutrition that the experience inspired an entire lifestyle change.
Sadly, the mother-in-law didn’t make it, but the process drove Andi’s Way founder M’kee Lefkovits to start her company with a goal to bring proper knowledge and nutrition to as many people as possible. She named it after her late mother-in-law, Andi.
For starters, their website contains plenty of helpful information, especially regarding wheatgrass and it’s benefits. They also have testimonials posted so you can learn from other’s experiences and a few recipes to help you get started.
They sell pea greens, sunflower seeds, and wheatgrass. All three are available organic and fresh, or as seeds, if you wish to grow your own. For those wanting to grow, they also sell growing trays. They also sell juicers if you want to learn the art of juicing, or they sell pre-made shots of wheatgrass juice if you want a quick and easy boost. Portioned into two-ounce servings, these are the perfect way to get your daily dose.
In addition to their sprouts and related supplies, they also have a general wellness section. Here, they offer natural, organic beauty products like body butter, shampoos, handwash, oil rollers, and more. For the DIY crowd, they have a great selection of essential oils and carrier oils as well as diffuser bracelets. Everything is available for shipping within the United States.
3. Got Sprouts

Got Sprouts was founded by a couple who have both faced some serious health challenges in their past. These challenges drove them to seek the best form of healing they could, which started them on a journey to healthier eating and ultimately, a transformed life.
They began learning about the power of sprouts and other superfoods to fuel, maintain, and even heal the body in a healthy, natural way. They began growing fresh sprouts for their personal use and quickly became amazed and excited by the results. They wanted to share this information with the world. This is what promoted the beginnings of Got Sprouts.
They work hard all the time to continue their research, improve their products, and come up with new and better things for their customers.
For those who are new, they have a helpful FAQ section to cover the basics, and an entire page on wheatgrass specifically and how to grow it. This includes growing instructions, a list of necessary equipment, required conditions, and more.
In terms of wheatgrass, they have fresh, organic bundles for sale, ready to eat, juice, or do whatever you want with. They also offer organic wheatgrass seeds as well as a variety of growing trays for those who want to grow their own. Other available sprouts include sunflower, pea greens, broccoli, buckwheat, lettuce, radish, and a sprouted bean mix. They also have seeds for all of the above as well as flax, clover, barley, alfalfa, mung beans, lentils, and more.
In addition to growing trays, they also have a series of other equipment and accessories for sale. This includes a sprouting rack system, electric and manual juicers, an easy sprouting set, and reusable, non-stick baking sheets for cookies, taffies, rollups, and more.
Things to Consider When Buying Fresh Wheatgrass Online

As amazing as the field is, there is much to learn about it before you go ahead and buy fresh wheatgrass online. The process is involved, regardless of whether you’re growing the wheatgrass yourself or buying it cut fresh. For many, wheatgrass is part of a larger journey towards better health, so think about the bigger picture before making your purchase.
How You Want It
If you just want a little wheatgrass to try out or add to a recipe, buying it fresh is a good way to go. It’s inexpensive and often shipped quickly. Buying online also allows you to get a good feel for the company and see what their growing practices are like and if their product is organic.
If you want to add wheatgrass to your daily routine, however, it may be more prudent to buy seeds and grow them yourself. Of course, this requires some education and perhaps a little trial and error when learning. Thankfully, the process isn’t terribly difficult and many places offer detailed instructions.
Other Sprouts
Wheatgrass is a staple for many, though there are many other sprouts with just as much to offer in terms of health and nutrition. If you want to branch out and try some other options, many companies do sell a wide variety of sprouts. If you’re serious about adding this to your lifestyle, look for a company that sells both fresh sprouts and seeds. Once you get hooked on certain sprouts, you may consider growing your own instead.
Necessary Equipment
Whether you’re buying fresh sprouts or seeds to grow your own, you’ll need a few accessories to make the endeavor a success. For growing, you’ll need trays, racks, and proper growing soil at the very least.
If you plan to buy fresh wheatgrass rather than grow your own, chances are, you’ll need a juicer at some point. Wheatgrass juice is by far the most popular way to consume it as it’s an easy, often tasty way to add it to your diet regularly.
Basic juicers don’t have to be expensive, but they’re something to consider when purchasing large amounts of wheatgrass.
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